Useful links
- Congress Website:
Event's Details
IEEE Sections Congress 2023
IEEE Sections Congress, the triennial flagship event hosted by MGA, brings together volunteer leaders from every member country to share ideas and solutions.
I have attended the congress as a member of Chapters Coordination Committee of R8. It was a great experience and it was the first time I had been in a congress of this scale; IEEE global event. In addition, it was the first time for me in Canada and the longest flight trip I have ever had in my life
The congress was amazing, its theme was about "Enabling Leaders to Build a sustainable Future."
Event/Activity Details
- Name: : IEEE R8 Strategy Retreat 2022 meeting
- Date: : 10-11/09/2022
- Place: Geneva, Switzerland
Event's Details
IEEE R8 Strategy Retreat 2022 meeting, it was an intensive and useful meeting that discussing the future of IEEE in R8 and how to improve the services and the benefits for the members. It had many topics such as: Volunteer Pipeline and Students Retention in IEEE. We have discussed the challenges and provided many suggested solutions.
I have attended the congress as a member of Chapters Coordination Committee and SAC member of R8. I have learned a lot of details about IEEE and I was with great leaders and volunteers over R8.
Event/Activity Details
- Name: : IEEE R8 SYP CONGRESS 2022
- Date: : 03-07/08/2022
- Place: Tunis, Tunisia
- Congress Link:
Event's Details
The IEEE R8 Student and Young Professional Congress is the largest event in all Region 8. It occurs every two years and gathers both students and young professionals members from all Sections in this Region. SYP's main goal is to enhance and foster the engineering sense and capabilities through different activities both technically and culturally. It also provides an opportunity to network.
I have attended the congress as a SAC member of R8 and a member of Chapters Coordination Committee. From over 40 countries, we met all of those people on one land as a part of our Region, R8 ( Europe, Africa and Middle East ).
I have received two certificates: IEEE R8 Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award for 2020 and IEEE R8 Regional Exemplary Student Branch Counselor Award for 2021 as the past chairperson of IEEE University of Jordan Student Branch. It was a team effort from the branch members and the executive committee over two years.
Event/Activity Details
- Name: : IEEE Annual Meeting - 2022
- Date: : 13-07-2022
- Place: Amman, Jordan
Event's Details
IEEE Annual meeting is conducted every year on Jordan to recognize efforts of IEEE Jordan section committee, notable Student Branches in Jordan and any other contribution individually or as a group through the past year. Through this meeting I have got an award to appreciate my efforts as Section Student Representative of Jordan on the past two years (2020-2022). Also, we got other awards on our student branch (University of Jordan SB).